Monday, January 21, 2008


Is it possible for you to still function when your brain is officially asleep? The resounding "YES!" is the answer to that question. I do believe I am officially asleep at work today. Not only am I completely disinterested in this project, but I am also tired and burnt out. I'm always tired and burnt out but who's really keeping track right?

Today (Jan. 21 in case you're blind or can't read well) is supposedly the most depressing day of the year. They say a combination of broken New Year's resolutions, Christmas bills, shitty weather, and the realization that we are all back to work and school and the holidays are over attribute to this. Personally, this day has been the suck so I am inclined to agree with whoever 'they' are. But then again, every Monday seems to be the suck for me. Or every day. But really, again, who's keeping track of this stuff.

~Dawnie wants to hurt whoever designed this database system. Limited search options, CAPS only entry, crashing when a foreign character is entered, not allowing deletes, not allowing entries. Database program: go blow~

Moving on.

Blogging mid-day seems to be the most effective method for staying awake during boring projects. Not only do my fingers get to do actual typing, but I get to bitch about how bad work is, at work. Win-Win really. It also gives me a little break from the endless wild goose chase that is database updating. Seriously, this job description was kind of misleading. I wasn't told it was going to be hellish at times. Liars.

I don't think I have anything humourous or cynical to report. I got a MacBook and I am in love with her. We named her Mackie and she's awesome. My black desktop gets hardly any love and even when it does, it still has to share that attention with Mackie. She's my favourite child; there is nothing I can do about it. They both have good and bad sides but having the mac for school is proving to be a wise investment. She weights only 5 pounds and is 13 inches. I never want to take another note by hand again

Time goes slowly here. Which somehow leads me back to this morning...
I found my mittens! yay! They were in the garage on top of my bicycle seat.

Pati Someone must have borrowed them to get logs from the pile and then not returned them. My hands have been freezing for 2 weeks because Pati someone can't return stuff that she they borrow(s) (without asking).

This morning I also forgot my ipod, coffee, lip balm, planner, and any form of reading material at home. To accompany this, the backing of my cellphone came off last night when I dropped it down the basement stairs it fell. I still have not found it as it most likely fell into the dark cold depths of the space under the stairs (Dad keeps saying he will finish the back of the stairs...). Due to this procrastination, I must investigate the area and hope the spiders don't stage a coo. Ugh.

I do believe this post is nearly finished. I have wasted enough time at work and must move on to removing fax numbers. If you think this sounds as boring as finding the C.F.C.'s to major companies, you would be quite right. Fax removal needs skittles and lots of them. I bribe myself. How sad is that?


*I was just looking in my wallet change compartment (see skittles note above) and found a little piece of paper with a name and number on it. A guy I used to work with at the call centre. I wonder where he is now and I feel bad for never calling him. It wasn't that I wasn't into him, I just didn't ever know what to say. Sigh.

//that be all

1 comment:

jenn said...

Your work doesn't sound like fun at all.
Although I must admit I laughed and laughed at the plight of your mittens. I'm glad you found them though, it's effing cold out!
