Thursday, March 6, 2008


I am a child in an adult world

Or so this is how I feel today at work. I don't belong in this office. I don't belong in the corporate world. I hate my job.

The head boss-man (for other anecdotes regarding this person, see earlier blog entry "Fail") hates me and finds me disrespectful. Isn't that great? It's really easy to be accepted in your job and treated like you belong at a company (being the youngest here by far doesn't help) when the guy signing the cheques hates you. Oh yeah!

One of the administrative assistant type people came and discreetly talked to me about it. It is terribly embarrassing to be told that the pres of the company has made comments about you to your co-workers. That made me feel like a child. A bad child. They should just send me to my room without dessert and be done with it.

How can a boss that everyone calls by his first name expect me to call him Sir when I speak to him. If he is that concerned with respect in the office, why does everyone walk around here calling him by his first name? It doesn't make sense to me. Unless it is only a rule that children must address him as such.

Dawnie thinks she is going to look for another job. Bossman has been on my case before. Maybe I am too young to be in this type of world.

March has started off well.

Carry on.

1 comment:

Mary-Anne said...

I think that by the sounds of this post it's definitely time for you to leave. I hate feeling like the child in the "adult" world.

If that's how they're treating you, byebye corporate world!